Kingdom Kids

A word from our Superintendent

  • Our purpose is to give God glory and honor by laying a foundation built on The Word of God to children and teens, so they can impact the world for Jesus Christ.
  • Introduce and encourage intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Psalm 46:1...our very present help in time of need.
  • Creating an atmosphere of Worship by encouraging children to develop and use their gifts to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.

It is our desire that every child and young person we encounter seeks to know and walk in their God-given destiny and purpose in Christ Jesus. John 3:16 - No greater love than this.

Our heart is every child understands and is touched by His love.  We encourage, impact, impart through fellowship, bible study, summer camp, and other events.

Don't be who you think you should be, but be all God wants you to be!

In His Service,


Brooke Harris

But Jesus called the children to Him and said, "let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these." [Luke 18:16]

 Heaven's Healing Touch Ministries, Inc.